Tääl on kauppa!


rummut  10kr


ralliauto (leikki) 12kr


muusiikki soitin 20kr


Koripallo + koripalloteline 30kr


tietokone 40kr

inspired by a miniature.

kakkupala 2kr

mmmmm........ sparkling lemonaaade~~~ or maybe it's a mango lassi @_@ *faints again*

juomaa 5kr

oooh a sleek and happenin keitai. **promo pixel for the bitmapdreams mobile launch**

kännykkä (leikki) 10kr

weekly manga/magazine Yaritai. Volume 1. One Time Lover: Girls overseas

kirja 1kr

The katamari is rolling away! Quick, let's follow it!

hassu pallo 10kr

I don't know what this is... maybe it's one of those raccoons... (tho this one is anatomically incorrect) anyhow... I named it Hyoue because it kinda looks like the Hyoue monster from Monster Rancher

nalle 3kr

I got this scent in Paris at the comme des garcons store... I was so humbled to have made it to such a mecca of world-class Japanese Design. I mentioned them in my research paper a few years ago. "Series 7 Sweet ~ STICKYCAKE~ COMME des GARCONS parfums PARFUMS"

hajuvesi 5kr

my ionic hair dryer from sharper image. it's so matte and gummy and shiny!

hiustenkuivaaja 15kr

GBC Roxxors~! it's the best ne~! yellowness~~~~~~ emi, this one's for you ^^; *sigh* mmmmm reminds me of the Special Pikachu Edition days...

ninidento 25kr

THE BEST ROLL OF ALL TIME~ *DROOLS* oh my GOD! I just shoot straight up to heaven when I eat this roll, especially if it's made by my favorite sushi chef at Ginza.

sushi 10kr

soft cream is so yummy! coffee tinted.

jätski 5kr

yummy biscuit. probably for babies.

isokeksi 10kr


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